How to calculate VAT on the sale of a car ?
VAT on the sale of a car (intended for the transport of people and goods) is calculated on half of the amount claimed, even if the VAT deduction on the initial purchase was less than 50%.
Type of véhicules : vehicles for which the VAT deduction can never exceed 50% (excluded: taxis, vans, driving school cars, etc.).
Exemple :
Selling price of a car excluding VAT: €20,000
VAT calculation :
-> 20.000 € x 50% = 10.000 €
-> 10.000 € x 21% = 2.100 € VAT
Total amount invoiced : 22.100 € incl. VAT (10.000 € VAT 0% et 10.000 € VAT 21%)
Ambre Vanhorebeek, David Bultreys.
Circulaire AGFisc N° 36/2015 (n° E.T.119.650) dd. 23.11.2015